What is Transportation?
Transportation is a life processes which allows useful & wasteful substances such as oxygen,food,salt,carbon dioxide, nitrogenous wastes and other substances in a multicellular organisms to move from one part of the body to another.
How Transportation occur in human body?
Transportation in human body is done by circulatory system.
The parts from Transportation done by is
(ii)Blood vessels
(iii) Heart
Ans:- It is a connective tissue.it is red colour fluid and it transport useful and wasteful substances from a part to another part.
Composition of Blood
Blood contains 55% Plasma,1% Platelets and WBC and 44% RBC.
What is Plasma?
It is pale yellowish fluid part of Blood.Plasma is dissolved form of water,ion, proteins, Nutrients,wastes and gases.
Function of Blood
Transport function of Blood
Performed by Plasma
Performed by RBC
It transports O2 (from lungs to rest of body)
Protective function by blood
Blood Vessels
There are 3 types of blood vessels
i)Arteries:- Those blood vessels transport blood from heart to organs is called Arteries.
ii)Veins:-Those blood vessels transport blood from body organs to the heart is called veins.
iii) Capillaries:- it is those blood vessels that helps in exchange of substances.
Direction of Blood Flow:- Away from Heart
Oxygen:- Flows oxygenated blood
Pressure:- High
Walls:- thick
Valves:- Absent
Function:- Distributes blood pumped by heart
Carries O2 & nutrients
Direction of Blood Flow:-Towards the heart
Gas:- Deoxygenated Blood
Pressure:- Lesser that Arteries
Walls:- thin
Valves :- Present
Function:- Returns blood to heart
Carries CO2 & other waste
Direction of Blood Flows:- Joins Veins & Arteries.
Oxygen:-Exchange of gases occur in Capillaries CO2 & O2
Pressure:- Medium
Walls:- One Celled Thick
Valves:- Absent
Function:- Exchange of O2 and nutrients with cells
Pick up CO2 and waste from cells
1.it is a muscular organ.(Cardiac Muscles),(Involuntary Muscles)
2.Located in chest cavity.
3.It is big as fist.
4.Act as a pumping organs.
Human Heart has 4 Chambers
1.Left Atrium
2.Right Atrium
3.Left Ventricle
4.Right Ventricle
How Blood Flows in Body?
Lungs--->Pulmonary Vein(Oxygenated Blood)---->Left Atrium---->Left Ventricle----->Aorta(Oxygenated Blood)--->Body Organs---->Vena Cava(Deoxygenated Blood)---->Right Atrium------->Right Ventricle----->Pulmonary Artery to Lungs
This cycles flows the blood.
Why we need chambers in heart?
Blood Pressure
Pressure exerted by Blood on walls of blood vessels.
Types of Blood Vessels
1.Systolic Pressure:- The pressure of Blood inside the artery during ventricular systole.(Contraction)
2.Diastolic Pressure :- The pressure in Artery during vertrucular diastole.(Relaxation)
Blood Pressure is measured by Sphygmomanometer.
When the blood pressure in our body becomes high form a loug period of time is called Hypertension.It is Caused by Construction of Blood vessels.
Lymphatic System
It contains
i)lymph fluid
ii)lymph vessels
iii)lymph nodes
Lymph is a extra cellular fluid it is colourless.it has proteins&WBC.It is formed by leaking of plasma from Capillaries.
Function of Lymph
Fluid Balance:- Drains excess fluid from extra cellular space back into the blood.
Fat Transport:- Lymph Carries digested and absorbed fat from Intestine and transport to blood stream.
Immune System:- Transports Foreign Material to lymph nodes for disposal.
i)It is colourless fluid.Blood
i)it is reddish coloured.
ii)It is part of circulatory system.
iii)it is associated with circulation of O2 and CO2,nutrients Hormones,Wastes products etc.
iv)It contains plasma,RBC,WBC and platelets.
v)Carnes more amount of oxygen and digested food.
vi)Transport nutrients and oxygen from one organ to another.
vii)The flow of Blood in blood vessels is fast
viii)Clots quickly due to the presence of more amount of fibrinogen.
ix)The movement of Blood is both towards and away from Heart.
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