breakdown of digested food is Known as Respiration
Glucose+oxygen---->Carbon Dioxide+water+Energy
Glucose is obtained from digestive system
Oxygen is obtained from breathing system
Carbon dioxide will be exhaled like waste products
Water will be also exhaled like waste product.
The process of taking & releasing air is known as Breathing.
Inhalation:- taking O2 from environment
Exhalation:- Releasing co₂
Difference Respiration and breathing
1.Takes place all the time.
2.Take place in every cell
3.A process that breaks down food to release energy.
4.Uses oxygen obtained from breathing.
5.Produces CO2
1.Takes place all the time.
2.Take place in lungs.
3.A process of gaseous exchange with environment.
4.Take in oxygen from environment.
5.Remove CO2 produced during respiration.
Glucose (6 Carbon Molecules) --->Pyruvate+3 Carbon Molecule
Pyruvate---->In absence of oxygen (in yeast)
Ethanol(2 Carbon Molecule)+CO2+Energy
Pryuvate--->in lack of oxygen (in our muscle cells)
Lactic acid(3 Carbon Molecule)+Energy
Pyruvate----> In presence of oxygen (In Mitochondria)
Note:- Conversation of Glucose in to pyruvate is known as Glycolysis.
Types Of Respiration
There are two types of Respiration.
1.Aerobic Respiration:-
The formation of energy in the presence of Oxygen is known as Aerobic Respiration.
In this Respiration approximately 32to36 ATP is formed.
Glucose ----->Pyruvate-------->CO2+H2O+Energy
2.Anaerobic Respiration:-
The formation of energy in the absence of oxygen is called Anaerobic Respiration.
In this Respiration Approximately 4 to 6 ATP is Formed.
How does exchange of gases occur in human body?
Nostrils--->Nasal Pasage--->Pharynx--->Larynx--->Trachea--->Bronchi---->Bronchioles------>Alveoli Duct--->Alveoli
In Alveoli final exhange of gases take place.
1.It is Ballon like or sac like structure.
2.Walls of Alveoli are only one called thick and provide a surface where the exchange of gases can take place.
3.Contain an extensive network of blood vessels which helps in exhange of gases.
Process of Exchange of Gases
1.The blood brings Carbon Dioxide from the rest of the body for release into the Alveoli.
2.Oxygen in the alveolar air is taken up by blood in the blood vessels..
3.Oxygen is transported to all the cells in the body with the help of haemoglobin present in the Red blood cell.
4.CO2 is transported in dissolved form.
5.Haemoglobin has affinity for O2 than CO2.
Difference between Inhalation and Exhalation
1.The muscles of the diaphragm contract.
2.The diaphragm goes downward and becomes flat.
3.The ribs moves upward and outwards.
4.The volume of thoracic(chest) cavity increas.
5.Air enters the lungs through the nose.
1.The muscles of the diaphragm relax.
2.The diaphragm goes upward and becomes dome shaped.
3.The ribs moves downward and inwards.
4.The volume of thoracic cavity decrease.
5.Air goes out the lungs through nose.
What is Residual Volume?
Ans:- It is the amount of air that remain in person's lungs even after maximum remains nearly 1100-1200ml.
Transpiration in Plants
1.Exhange of gases occur through stomata.
2.The large inter-cellular spaces ensure that all cells are in contact with air.
3.Gases are exhange by diffusion.
4.The Direction of diffusion depends upon the environmental conditions and the requirements of the plants.
How do fish breathe underwater?
1.Water having dissolved O2 that enter in fish through mouth.
2.After that it reaches to gills.Gills having gills slits.Gills Slits absorb oxygen present in water.
3.Water having CO2 is released out through gills.
Respiration in Insects
1.Insects breathe through spiracles (small holes in abdomen)
2.Air enters the spiracles allowing O2 to travel along a network of tubes called trachea to reach the cells in the insects body.
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