Light,It's Nature and Reflection of Light

What is Light:- Light is a form of energy that enables us to see things.Light Starts From a source and bounces off object which are perceived by our eyes and our processes this signal,which eventually enable us to see.

Light and It's Nature
Light And Its Nature

Types of Object 

There are two types of Object 

1.Luminous Object:- Luminous object have own light.

Ex.Sun,Torch,Candle etc.

2.Non Luminous:- These Object do not have their own light.

Ex.Chair,Book,Table etc.

When light falls on any surface these phenomena takes place 




There are Dual Nature of Light 

1.Ray Nature Of light:- Light can be described in the terms of a stram of photons,massless packets of energy,each travelling with wavelike properties at the speed of light. A Photon is a smallest quantity(quantum) of energy which can be transported and it was realisation that light travel in discrete quanta that was origin of quantum theory reflection reflection photoelectric effect and Crompton effect.

2.Wave Nature of Light:- 

Light refers to electromagnetic radiation that can be detected by human eye.The entire electromagnetic spectrum is extremely broad,ranging from low energy radio waves with wavelengths shows properties such as Interference,diffraction & Polarisation.

Details on Ray Nature Of Light:- 

  • Light also has the property of a particle.The intensity of the light varies depending on the number of particles bright light has many particles while dark light has fewer particle.These particle of Light are called "Photons" 
  • Light Travels at a speed of about 300000Km/s (e= 3x10⁸) (Applicable at Vaccum And Air)
  • When in a vacuum such as outer space where no matter is present light travels straight forward this is called rectilinear motion of light.
  • Several Photons in a single line constitute a light ray.
  • Several Light Rays Constitute a Beam of Light.

Reflection Of Light 

  • When a ray of light falls on a smooth polished surface and the light ray bounces back into the same medium,it is called the reflection of Light.
  • The incident light ray which lands upon the surface is said to be reflected away the surface.The ray that bounces back ins called the reflected ray. 
  • The perpendicular which is drawn on the surface is called Normal.

Laws of Reflection 

The law of reflection determine the reflection of incident light rays on reflecting surfaces like mirror smooth surfaces and clean water 

It states that 

The Incident Ray,Reflected Ray and Normal Lie in the same plane.

  • The Angle of Incidence (∠i)=Angle of Reflection(∠r)
  • Reflection through Spherical Mirror 

Reflection through Spherical Mirrors:-

Spherical Mirrors are special types of curved mirror in which the surface of the mirror is a part of a sphere.The hollow surface that is on the same side as the centre of the original sphere is called the concave surface.The other Surface,which budges out is called the Convex Surface.If the Convex surface is polished and the concave surface is slivered.we get a convex mirror and if the concave surface polished and convex surface is silvered,we get a concave mirror.Light falling on the smooth surface of a spherical mirror enters the glass and is reflected at the opaque silvered surface.

Spherical Mirror Terms 

Pole:- The central point on the surface of the mirror is called it's pole.

Centre of Curvature:- It is centre of spherical Mirror.

Radis of Curvature:- It is Distance Between Centre of Curvature to Pole.

Foucus :- It is the point where all reflected rays meet or appear to meet.

Focal Length:- It is Distance between focus and pole.

Aperture:- It is part of Speherical mirror from which actually the reflection occurs
