Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal Verbs |
1- Abide by
- to obey a decision
2- Account for
- giving a reason
3- Allow for
- to take into consideration
4- Apeal to
- to make a request
5- Ask around
- ask many people the same question
6- Back away
- to move backwards
7- Back down
- concede
8- Back up
- to give support
9- Black out
- to faint
10- Block off
- to separate using a barrier
11- Blow up
- to get angry
12- Boil down to
- to be summarised as
13- Break away
- to separate from a crowd
14- Break in
- to meddle
15- Break into
- to enter by force
16- Break out
- escape
17- Break up
- end a relationship
18- Break something down
- divide into smaller parts
19- Bring up
- mention up
20- Bring someone down
- make unhappy
21- Bump into
- to meet unexpectedly
22- Call around
- phone many different places/people
23- Call back
- to return a phone call
24- Call off
- cancel
25- Call on
- visit
26- Call someone back
- return a phone call
27- Calm down
- relax after being annoyed
28- Carry on
- to continue
29- Catch up with
- keep abreast
30- Check out
- leave a hotel
31- check up on
- examine
32- Cheer up
- become happier
33- Calm up
- to refuse to speak
34- Clean something up
- tidy, clean
35- Come across
- to meet by chance
36- Come apart
- separate
37- Come back
- return to a place
38- Come down with something
- become risk
39- Come from somewhere
- originate in
40- Come in
- enter
41- Come over
- to visit
42- Come to
- regain consciousness
43- Count on
- to rely
44- Cut back on something
- consume less
45- Cut in
- interrupt
46- Cut something down
- make something fall to the ground
47- Cut something off
- remove with something sharp
48- Cut Something off
- stop supplying
49- Die down
- to calm down, become less strong
50- Do away with something
- discard
51- Do over
- repeat a job
52- Do without
- to handle without
53- Drag on
- to last longer than expected
54- Draw up
- to write
55- Dress up
- wear elegant cloth
56- Drop back
- move back in a position/group
57- Drop by
- visit without appointment
58- Drop in
- to visit
59- Drop off
- to deliver something
60- Drop out
- to leave school without finishing
61- Ease off
- to reduce
62- Eat out
- dine in a restaurant
63- End in
- result in
64- Fall apart
- break into pieces
65- Fall down
- fall to the ground
66- Fall out
- separate from an interior
67- Fall through
- to fail
68- Fill out
- complete a form
69- Fill up
- fill to capacity
70- Fill something up
- fill to the top
71- Find out
- discover
72- Focus on
- to concentrate on Something
73- Get along
- like each other
74- Get around
- have mobility
75- Get at
- to imply
76- Get away
- go on a vacation
77- Get back at someone
- retaliate
78- Get back
- return
79- Get by
- survive
80- Get in
- to enter
81- Get off
- to remove
82- Get on
- to board (bus, train, plane)
83- Get on with
- to have a good relationship with
84- Get out
- to leave
85- Get out of
- to avoid doing something
86- Get rid of
- terminate
87- Get together
- to meet each other
88- Get up
- get out of bed, ready
89- Get something across/over
- communicate, make
90- Give away
- give something to someone else
for free
91- Give back
- return an object
92- Give up
- stop trying
93- Give something up
- quit a habit
94- Go after something
- try to achieve something
95- Go against someone
- complete oppose
96- Go ahead
- proceed
97- Go back
- return to a place
98- Go on
- to continue
99- Go over
- review
100- Go through
- use up; consume
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