Important Idioms and Phrases
Very important Idioms and Phrases |
1- A big cheese
- An influential person in a group
2- A bird's eye view
- View from a very high place
3- A boon in disguise
- an advantage in failure
4- A chicken hearted man
- a gutless person
5- A child's play
- an easy take
6- A dark horse
- a man of concealed capability
7- A litmus test
- to prove something
8- A nine days wonder
- happiness for a small period
9- A red letter day
- an important day
10- A queer fish
- an old person
11- A to Z
- completely
12- A turning point
- an important incident
13- Add fuel to the fire
- make a terrible condition worse
14- Against the clock
- be in a hurry
15- Apple of discord
- reason of quarrel
16- Apple of someone's eye
- someone loved very much
17- At a strech
- constantly
18- At arm's strength
- at a distance
19- At home
- relaxed
20- At sixes and sevens
- to be bewildered
21- At stake
- at risk
22- At the eleventh hour
- final moment
23- At the mercy of
- dependent on
24- Be in seventh heaven
- extremely cheerful
25- Be on cloud nine
- be very cheerful
26- Bed of roses
- full of joy, prosperity and pleasures
27- Behind closed doors
- in secret
28- Big shot
- a significant person
29- Blue blood
- being from high social class
30- Break the ice
- to break silence
31- Cradle to the grave
- complete span of life
32- Crying over spilt milk
- useless to think over something
done bad
33- End in smoke
- having no result
34- Eye for an eye
- vengeance, revenge
35- Face the music
- accept the punishment
36- Feather in one's cap
- achievement
37- Fool's paradise
- impracticable world's task
38- French leave
- absent without consent
39- Get rid of
- be liberated
40- Give me five
- hitting the hand to greet
41- Good for nothing
- insignificant
42- Hand to mouth
- earning less money to cover the
43- Have clean hands
- be innocent
44- Himalayan blunder
- a serious mistake
45- Hornets nest
- a complicated situation
46- In a fix
- uncertainty
47- In a nut shell
- in brief
48- In an instant
- very fast
49- In black and white
- in writing
50- In the blues
- less lively
51- Jump to a conclusion
- judge something hurriedly
52- Justice is blind
- justice is unbiased
53- Keep an eye
- have a watch
54- Keep your eye on the ball
- stay attentive
55- Loaves and fishes
- for material profit
56- Loose heart
- feel dejected
57- Make up mind
- to be determined
58- Man of words
- a man who keeps long time ago
59- Many moons ago
- a very long time ago
60- Narrow escape
- closely saved
61- Nip in the bud
- to finish in the beginning
62- Null an void
- cancelled
63- On account of
- for the reason of
64- On the eve of
- event
65- Once in a blue moon
- very rarely
66- Pandora's box
- a source of unforeseen difficulty
67- Read between the lines
- read
68- Red carpet
- special welcome
69- Slip of tongue
- an error in conversation
70- Tit for tat
- giving equal treatment to someone
for wrong deeds
71- To be in the bad books
- to be in disfavour
72- To be in the good books
- to be in goodwill
73- Turn a dead ear
- to overlook
74- Under a cloud
- to doubt
75- Uphill task
- a hard job
76- Upto the mark
- satisfactory
77- X factor
- someone's special skill
78- Yeoman's service
- work done in a commendable
79- Yes
- A man who always agrees with
people in power
80- Zero tolerance
- non-acceptance of behavior
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