Coal | Petroleum | How obtained its products?

 Coal & Its Product 

1)-  Fossils :-  The dead remains of living organisms are called fossils. 

2:-  Carbonisation :- The slow conversion of dead vegetation into coal is called carbonisation. 

Destructive Distillation is the process of heating of coal in the absence of air

3)- Coal :-  It is a dark- brown to black natural solid formed from fossilized plants under conditions of great pressure, high humidity, and lack of air. Coal consists mainly of carbon is widely used as a fuel and raw material. Since coal was formed from the remains of vegetation, it is also called a fossil fuel. 

4)-  Coke :- When coal is heated in closed tube in the absense of air, it forms a residue, called coke. It is a tough, porous and black substance and is an almost pure form of carbon. Coke is used in the manufacture of steel and in the extraction of many metals. 

 5)- Coal Tar: - It is a thick, sticky, black liquid obtained by heating coal in the absence of air (destructive distillation). It is a mixture of about 200 substances. It is used as a raw material for many dyes, drugs and paints. Naphthalene balls used to repel moths and other insects are obtained from coal tar. 

 6)-  Bitumen :- Any of various flammable mixtures of hydrocarbons (Hydrocarbons are compound of only two element hydrogen and carbon) and other substances found in asphalt and tar. Bitumens occur naturally or are produced from petroleum from petrol and coal. These bays bitumen is used in place of coal tar for metalling the roads. 

 7)-  Coal Gas :-  It is obtained as a by product during the destructive distillation of coal to get coke. It is used as a source of heat (as a fuel) in many industries situated near the coal processing plants. 

 8)-  Anthracite :- A hard, shiny coal that has a high carbon content. It is valued as a fuel because it burns with a clean flame and without smoke or odour, but it is much less abundant that bituminous coal. 

 9)-  Bituminous :- A soft type of coal that burns with a smoky, yellow flame, bituminous coal is the most abundant form of coal but Because of its high sulphur content it's use can contribute to air pollution and acid rain. 

 10)- Lignite :- A soft, brownish- black form of coal having more carbon than peat but less carbon than bituminous coal. Lignite is easy to mine but does not burn as well as other  form of coal. 


       It is a thick, black to yellow, flammable liquid mixture of hydrocarbons. It occurs naturally, mainly below the earth's crust surface and is believed to originate from Accumulated remains of plants and animals. It is the source of petrochemicals and is used to make petrol, diesel, lubricating oils, plastics, and many other products. 

Refining:- the process of separating the different fractions (constituents) of petroleum is known as refining

 • Petroleum Constituents (fractions) of  and their uses. 

      1)- Petroleum gas in lequid form (LPG) :- it is used as a fuel for home and industry. 

      2)- Petrol :- It is used as  fuel for vehicles, aviation fuel, and solvent for dry-cleaning. 

     3)- Kerosene :- Used as fuel for stoves, lamps and for jet aircrafts. 

     4)- Diesel :- It is a petroleum product used as fuel for heavy engine, vehicle and electric generators. 

     5)- Lubricating oil :- used for lubrication

     6)-  Paraffin wax :- Used in ointments, candles, vaseline, etc. 

      7)- Bitumen :- used in paints and for roads surfacing 

• Natural Gas   

        A mixture of hydrocarbons gases that occurs naturally beneath the earth's surface, often with or near petroleum deposits. Natural gas contains mostly methane, but also has varying amounts of ethane, propane, butane, and nitrogen. It is used. It is used as a fuel and in making organic compounds. 

• Petrochemical

       Any of large number of chemicals made from petroleum or natural gas. Important petroleum chemicals include benzene, ammonia, Acetylene, and polystyrene. Petrochemicals are used to produce a wide variety of materials such as plastics, explosives, fertilisers, and synthetic fibers. 

• Peat 

      Partially decayed vegetables matter, especially masses, found in bogs

Peat is burnt as a fuel and is also used a fertilizer. W
